Corvus Works was established with an ambition to make beautifully printed pages, bound into the sequential form of the book. Looking back to look forward, Christopher’s admiration for the ideals of the private press movement of the early twentieth century is a point of departure in search of a contemporary aesthetic for the printed book.

His interest in printing is firmly rooted in the sheer pleasure in handling metal types, inks and papers. This combination of elements lifts the human soul and awakens the senses when crafted with devotion. The aim is to make books by hand, finely printed and bound in limited, short run editions.

Authors and their written words are carefully selected reflections of the printer’s interests: printing and typography; poetry and art; historical and contemporary. There is no ‘publishing' plan’ as such, rather an aim to search for a broad literary base that offer challenges in design and printing, and hopefully, some likeminded souls to share the results.


Book design