December 2023

New publications coming in 2024

Three new books are now underway. Prospectuses are available, send an email for details and requests.

A Type Specimen: Schneidler Mediaeval set the words of Goethe’s Prometheus.

Certain of Ovid’s Elegies, Christopher Marlowe’s 1599 translation with six multiple colour relief prints, introduction and notes by Adam Hansen.

Duncan Glen: poet, typographer, publisher and educationalist. Selected poems, biographical notes and six new screen prints by Alfons Bytautas. Hunt Roman with Optima types on Somerset Book in a solandar box

22 July 2023

Giovanbattista Palatino

What do we know know of Palatino the man, the calligrapher of the Renaissance? This edition brings together important essays by Stanley Morison (The Theorist), James Wardrop (Palatino and his circle) and A.S. Osley’s ‘The Tools of Handwriting’ from Palatino’s 1542 manual. Sebastian Carter has also contributed an endnote on the origins of Hermann Zapf’s Palatino typeface. The book is being hand set and printed in 16 Didot Stempel Palatino types and printed on Somerset Book White paper. These 60 pages will be supplemented with 8 pages of illustrations of Palatino’s work printed from blocks on Zerkall Bütten. Bound with printed paper sides over boards with cloth spines. A small number of specials by Roger Grech will be available with hand-made marble papers and leather spines. Slipcase also available separately.

22 May 2022

Claude Garamond

Reading, designing, drawing and writing for the next Corvus Works publication: Reflections (?) … Claude Garamond… in the 1920s a Renaissance of Garamond(t) types, though often based on those of Jean Jannon of Sedan but, nonetheless, of CG inspiration. A century on: O’Day’s essay ‘Claude Garamond and his place in the Renaissance’, with context added from ‘The Le Bé Memorandum’ with Harry Carter’s English translation — by chance rediscovered by Stanley Morison 70 years ago in 1952 — and, 100 years since Morison penned his ‘Note on the Garamond type’ for the 1923 Penrose Annual. The book will be printed in Sabon … another interesting link with Jean François Porchez notion of Le Bé types as a source for Tschichold’s Garamond interpretation. Publication: late summer 2022.

The book will be printed on Arches Vélin Blanc and Zerkall Ingres papers. 110 ordinary copies plus 15–20 deluxe copies. Detail will follow as work progresses. This can be followed at

22 November 2021

The Pied Piper of Hamelin

Printing is finally about to commence on Browning’s classic tale. 11 linocuts by John Watson will be printed from magnesium blocks in a rich black. The verse is being set in 14 point Walbaum and will be printed in a Burnt Sienna, with the essay and notes by Dr David Steward of Northumbria University, in a special casting of 10 point Didot Sabon-Antiqua in black. The headings in Berthold Solemnis in a deep red hue. Single side printed on Fabriano Ingres buff, the sheets will be French folded and stab sewn into paper covered boards with cloth spine. The finished book will be 260mm x 178mm. Price to be finalised, about the £50 mark. Drop us a message to reserve a copy. Publication: spring 2022

10 April 2021

Jacob Sabon / Jan Tschichold / Jost Hochuli— Update 3

The English translation of the Tschichold essay is now set in type (14 point Didot Sabon-Antiqua) and proofed. Sheets to be printed 16–20 April. Two of the tip-sample are complete, one showing 24pD cursive and the other 20pD Antiqua and Halbfett. The 4 page wrap for the first section is printed, on grey Hahnemühle, with 20, 24, 28, 36 and 48pD Sabon types. A further fount of 16pD Antiqua, Kursiv and Halbfett have arrived from Rainer Gerstenberg. The price is now set at £100 per copy plus postage. To reserve a copy, please send us an email. The edition will be limited 100 copies.

12 February 2021

Jacob Sabon / Jan Tschichold / Jost Hochuli — Update 2



Zerkall and Hahnemühle papers. Bound with a cloth covered spine and marble paper sides over boards. Large format: 15 x 10 inches.



The book is to be built in three parts:

One – perhaps the first English translation of Tschichold’s 1967 essay on the Life and Work of Jakob Sabon, published by D. Stempel AG to coincide with the original release of the Sabon types.

Two – first English translation of an appraisal by Jost Hochuli’s of the typeface which appeared in Typografische Montasblätter in 1969.

Three – sequence of sample pages show the foundry versions of the Sabon Antiqua from 14 up to 48 pt Didot. The machine version in 9, 10 and 12 Didot are included along with a special casting of 10 Didot with long descenders.



Having had sometime consider the possibility of adding photographic images, it seems appropriate to add black-and-white images to the book. At present, these are likely to be of the original sample specimens and articles.

14 August 2020

Le Cimetière Marin / The Graveyard by the Sea / Paul Valéry

Dual parallel language edition of Valéry’s classic poem with the English translation by C. Day Lewis. This is a collaborative project with my friend and Royal Scottish Academy artist, Alfons Bytautas, who will be contributing three double page spread screen prints.

The design work is well underway and initial binding dummies made. The edition will be printed on Arches Velin Blanc for the texts and, possibly, Fabriano Artistico for the artworks. The format is 325mm x 250mm allowing for a generous typographical scale. The text is being set in 20pt Didot Sabon Antiqua and Kursiv along with Roger Excoffon’s  Antique Olive Nord Italique and Bold Condensed.

The edition will be small, between 60 and 80 copies only. The books will be bound by hand in the workshop.

The book is printed and in binding – please see Order Publications.

13 August 2020

Jakob Sabon / Jan Tschichold

I have never managed to find a copy of ‘Leben und Bedeutung des Schriftschneiders Jakob Sabon’ by Jan Tschichold which was published by D. Stempel AG type foundry in 1967 to coincide with Sabon’s release. I think it about time I took at crack at a translation from the German.

My thoughts are to make the booklet at a decent size to accommodate at least 14pt Didot Sabon if not the 16pt Didot. This will be accompanied in a folder of some devising by a series of perhaps 10 or so broadsides showing the different sizes of the ‘true’ foundry types I hold of Sabon-Antiqua up to 48pt Didot, along with a number of sizes of the Kursiv and Halb-fett. The words for these will be taken from quotes by and about Tschichold.

I have a rough draft of the translation that I now must wrestle with and make decisions. Two ‘broadsides’ are set-up and proofed in types, 24pt Didot Kursiv and 20pt Didot Antiqua and Halb-fett. 36pt Didot is underway and the sheets will show other types and ornaments held at Corvus Works. These include: Hermann Zapf’s Optima, Palatino, Attika Borders and Künstler-linien (brush rules); Goudy Text, Solemnis, Walbaum and Euphorian among others.

Posts will be updated as the project progresses.

12 August 2020

The Pied Piper of Hamelin / Robert Browning

A story that returns me to my childhood; I have wanted to publish an edition of Browning’s poetic tale for several years. Dr David Stewart has written an excellent introduction recalling the inspiration and popularity of this work. John Watson is working on a number of linocuts to illustrate the text.

The text is being planned in 12pt Didot Sabon Demi-Bold to give added strength to the words alongside John’s bold lino works. We are considering two ‘almost black’ ink hues for the text pages, with a red for the titling which is being set in Goudy Text.

The pages will be printed on buff toned Fabriano Ingres and single side printed, the finished sheets will be French folded and stab stitched before being bound in board covers with a cloth spine and specially printed sides. The final size of the book block is 250mm high x 175mm wide.

The edition will be around 100 copies only. The books will be bound by hand in the workshop.

Posts will be updated as the project progresses.