In early 2007, Christopher was appointed Associate Senior Lecturer for typography and letterpress printing at Northumbria University at Newcastle-upon-Tyne. He had previously lectured in a visiting role at Northumbria and other design schools. He has successfully tutored and steered many students through the notoriously demanding Annual Student Assessment programme run by the International Society of Typographic Designers, through which, by attaining a ‘Pass’, students gain membership and the right to use the initials MISTD behind their names.
Christopher has been awarded on several occasions by the Design & Art Directors Association (D&AD) at their New Blood Awards, with students winning Pencils, Best of Year, In-Book and Hot Spot awards. Success has been gained at other award schemes including RSA and Penguin Books Student Awards.
His teaching experience spans the lecture room, creative design studio and printing workshops. His lectures and design briefs cover typographic and book design practice, history and culture.